Sitemap - 2020 - Farza's Newsletter

just paid $6 for a cappuccino at blue bottle coffee i was robbed in plain daylight this is b.s someone help

just jet skied through the apple store on 5th ave

ptr = (taco*) malloc(n * sizeof(burrito)) <segmentation fault>

just played halo 2 on my samsung smart fridge the graphics suck

accidentally put seasoned pinto beans in my ear instead of my airpods oops

lost boy living fast

i just drank a mocha and my BPM is over 9000

dropped hot coffee from dunkin on my face mask

boba tea leaking from my ceiling help

mosquitos keep biting me when im trying to write my newsletter fml life is pain

harry potter drinks cafe con leche

optimus prime can't drink strawberry smoothies


just threw some pepperoni on my green screen bon appetit

just saw a frog drinking tea out of a puddle

dropped a banana milkshake on my cherry mx keys

i got my harley davidson stuck in the palm trees by accident

i just drew on the freshly baked apple pie w/ a sharpie

the neighbors chihuahua just called me ugly wow wtf dogs can talk

eating multigrain chocolate chunk bars in the lambo

washing my Honda accord with bottled water rn

🙉 rockin bose qc35s on my feet 🙈

stupid horse I just fell out of the porsche

just punched the punching bag 4 fun and hurt my wrist no more of that

sasuke is emo and i hate him and i want naruto to end him

yeah, the bathroom is around the corner to the right.

i got wifi in the trunk

me and Kim Tae-hyung r dating now its official

just bought a balenciaga hat at the chili festival

i just used vim to record my podcast wow very nice

i dipped by kindle in a cup of coffee and took a bite mmmmmm

sippin la croix w cptn jack sparrow

im gonna take this large $11 avocado smoothie and make guacamole

i got gamecube controllers in the trunk

im gonna use this quesadilla as a boomerang